Cannabis Manufacturing Software Solutions

Top Cannabis Manufacturing Software Solutions

Streamline your cannabis production! This guide explores the top cannabis manufacturing software solutions to boost efficiency, ensure compliance, and elevate your cannabusiness.

Manufacturing is an important part of the cannabis supply chain — but it’s also one of the more complicated pieces. As the industry continues to grow, it becomes increasingly complex. There are many tools for managing the many moving parts, but the easiest way for a cannabis business owner to keep their finger on the pulse of a manufacturing company is with dedicated cannabis manufacturing compliance software.

The right software can help you improve and expand your business. This platform can help you manage production, track inventory, ensure compliance, and optimize efficiency. There are many options for manufacturing software for cannabis; here are the ones we think are best.

Top Cannabis Manufacturing Software Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of cannabis production, navigating the complexities of manufacturing demands the right tools. Here’s a breakdown of the top cannabis manufacturing software solutions to elevate your operation.

365 Cannabis

This enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is powered by Microsoft and designed specifically for the cannabis industry. It’s a vertically integrated, compliance-ready seed-to-sale software that helps you understand every intricacy of your company, no matter how big or small you are.

  • Specific modules for every sector of cannabis: retail, cultivation, distribution, processing, as well as a CRM and financial data tracking
  • Integrates data and processes across multiple departments and locations
  • Familiar user interface that works across all hardware
  • Integrates with platforms like Metric, Leafly, LeafLink, Shopify, Weedmaps, and Health Canada


Canix is a popular ERP in the cannabis industry designed for cultivators, manufacturers, and distributors. Founded by a cannabis consultant, Canix describes itself as a “single source of truth” making it simple for you to monitor your inventory, profit and loss. Perhaps the platform’s biggest claim to fame is its record of satisfied customers – 97%.

  • Automated inventory tracking
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Integrates with most cannabis platforms, including Metric, LeafLink, Treez, GreenCheck, Dutchie, as well as QuickBooks


FloEnvy was designed specifically for cannabis cultivators and allows you unparalleled insight into your grow rooms. It also helps you manage manufacturing, distribution, sales, and compliance. FloEnvy helps you create SOPs that simplify day-to-day operations with real-time insights into your business.

  • Give you compliance updates and notifications
  • Track sales and orders with QuickBooks and LeafLink integrations
  • Integrates with Metric, SalesForce, and Microsoft Dynamics
  • Manufacturing software allows you to create custom production runs, track packages, orders, and invoices, output, and efficiency analytics, and run Cost of Goods reports (COGS)

Katana MRP

Katana MRP is a robust inventory management system with an international presence. While it wasn’t designed for cannabis specifically, it’s capabilities list can help any canna-business owner streamline and optimize operations

  • Known for production planning and real-time data visibility
  • End-to-end inventory management
  • Integrates with most platforms including Salesforce, QuickBooks, Zapier, WooCommerce, CRM platforms, and accounting software.
  • Can create unique API integrations and custom workflows


This AI-powered ERP software is ideal for companies between 10 – 200 people. MRPeasy was not designed specifically for cannabis but offers this industry as a specialized vertical. It offers end-to-end traceability for cannabis products and has a plethora of integration options to help you streamline operations and keep your data in one place.

  • Offers production planning, inventory management, CRM, purchase tracking, accounting, and more
  • Seed-to-sale tracking and AI-powered compliance management
  • Integrations with eCommerce, fulfillment, and accounting platforms
  • AI-powered tools for production planning and scheduling

Flourish Software

Founded by supply chain engineers and cannabis operators, Flourish has been helping cannabis businesses with a comprehensive suite of tracking capabilities from seed to sale since 2017. Whether you need compliance tracking, inventory management, financial assistance, or custom workflows, Flourish can help.

  • Tailored solutions for cultivators, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers
  • Integrates with platforms like Metric, IHeartJane, Salesforce, Leaflink, Biotrack, QuickBooks, and more
  • Performance tracking for every aspect of cannabis businesses
  • Available in 40 states, Washington DC, and on tribal lands

Choosing the Right Cannabis Manufacturing Software

There’s no doubt that cannabis companies have a lot of cannabis manufacturing software options to choose from — so how do you know which one is right for your business?

Consider and weigh the following factors based on your unique business needs.

  • Company size and production needs: How complex is your operation? A two-person business needs far less support than a 30-person company. Compare this to the potential software features that each platform offers. A company making small patches of three products won’t need the same operation organization as a vertically integrated multi-state operator.
  • Budget: How much are you comfortable spending on your software? There’s a range of pricing models to choose from and each of them has its own pros and cons. A subscription platform may have a lower monthly cost than a platform with a one-time set-up fee, but the latter will require less tracking and your features won’t change, as they can with subscriptions. Are you comfortable having your software as a regular expense, or would you rather make a larger investment upfront?
  • Scalability: Can this software platform grow with you? A small company may not stay small forever and may require a platform that can be flexible. How many authorized users can you have on the platform? What are the data tracking and reporting capabilities? How many SKUs can the platform track?
  • Ease of Use: Having an intuitive, user-friendly interface can make or break even the most advanced platforms. Consider how easy it is to navigate through the software and find what you need. What kind of training does the platform offer? Is it ongoing or one-time only? Do they have resource videos, FAQs, live chat, or robust customer support? Working with tech is only a matter of time before something inexplicably goes wrong – and you want a team that will help you fix it quickly.
  • Compliance features: The cannabis industry is a myriad of red tape, and your manufacturing software should make it easier to remain in compliance, not harder. While many cannabis manufacturing software have some degree of compliance regulation, there are a few that go deeper than most, making it simple for you to understand where your company stands.
  • Integration capabilities: Your cannabis manufacturing software is likely not the only system that you’re using. You may have accounting software, a time clock, payroll, a CRM or an inventory system to name a few. Your manufacturing software should integrate with the necessary platforms to help your business run more smoothly.

Benefits of Using Cannabis Manufacturing Software

Getting cannabis manufacturing software is undoubtedly an investment — but it’s a worthy one for an expanding canna-business that needs to stay organized.

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: When you have one place where everything is organized, it’s much easier for you and your staff to remain productive. Chasing down information and sorting through email chains for one answer is a time-suck and a productivity killer. Give your team the tools they need to succeed.
  • Improved Inventory Management and Cost Control: Managing inventory is a big task for a growing business — but you have to know where your product is in order to sell it. Most manufacturing software has an inventory management feature, helping you understand where your product is and where it’s going – useful when you have a few thousand products on hand at any given time.
  • Enhanced Quality Control and Consistency: Data tracking creates consistency in business. You can’t monitor what you don’t track and quality control requires monitoring. Most manufacturing software systems have data tracking and reporting capabilities to help you keep an eye on your business.
  • Streamlined Compliance Management: With the right system, it’s easy to keep your business in compliance. Some software even offers compliance monitoring based on which state you’re in to make it easier.
  • Real-Time Data Insights and Reporting: Data is a key piece of the puzzle for many business owners, and having your tracking and reporting automated is a simple way to stay on top of what’s happening day to day in your business.
  • Improved Communication and Collaboration: When everyone on your team understands their role and can use your manufacturing software to help, it creates a seamless flow of business, improving communication and collaboration between employees and departments.

Protecting your cannabis company can seem confusing; however, we’re a full-service insurance brokerage working with carriers worldwide to offer you the best coverage possible. We’re here to help! Please reach out to us today by email [email protected] or calling 646-854-1093 for a customized letter or learning more about your cannabis insurance options.

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